Pet Store Franchises

8 Signs It’s Time to Quit Your Job and Move Forward

The majority of us spend the bulk of our waking hours at work. So why spend the best part of your life at a place you hate? Whether you are involved in the pet franchise industry, a multinational company, or a small business, it is imperative you are able to maintain healthy life-work balance.

Job dissatisfaction can lead to serious health problems like constant illness, depression, anxiety, and poor sleep, according to a study by the American Psychological Association.

Issues like this are important to consider when over half of the U.S. workforce states dissatisfaction in their jobs. According to Insights from a Conference Board study, only 47.7% of workers report contentment at work.

Myriad reasons can account for the reason why many hate their job. Bad management, inequality in the workplace, and a lack of passion all contribute to career path burnout rates. No surprise that an average person will change careers between 9 and 12 times in a lifetime.

If you are experiencing any of the following hardships, this may be life’s red flag telling you it’s time to start looking for an escape plan.

The Ship is Sinking

Speaking from experience, many of our shop owners began looking into the pet franchise industry when they realized their company was cutting across the board. A colleague of mine told me, “It wasn’t a matter of if they were going to lay me off, it was a matter of when.”

She was referring to a company that has been an international software development company for decades. Instead of waiting for the day to come to be laid off. My colleague started her own small business. She is loving life and excelling in her entrepreneurial pursuit!

Watch for warning signals that your company is folding. A sudden need for approval for minor business expenses, shifts in upper management leaving, and secrecy like closed-door meetings all could mean severance packages.

If you suspect your company is in trouble, it is better to be proactive about your career situation, then to suddenly find yourself in the competitive job market.

Halted Advancement

There’s nothing wrong with being comfortable in your job. The trick is not to become complacent. Careers are about advancing yourself by developing your personal and professional skills. Working with a company should be mutually beneficial to a company investing in you by adding to your value as an employee.

If you feel stagnant in your position, especially if you have worked hard and expressed interest in advancement, you may want to look elsewhere.

Out of the Circle

If you feel like you are left out of meetings—the last one to know about new projects, this probably means your boss associates you with a faceless employee. This management indifference is not uncommon. Many hardworking individuals have grown tired of corporate roadblocks like this and found haven in owning their own small business in the pet franchise industry.

If you feel like you are treated like a body filling a desk, not a valuable employee with insights and contributions, this is a bad signal for your career. You should be part of the team.

You’re More ‘In the Know’ Than Your Boss

Dealing with an incompetent boss is a nightmare. It’s frustrating to work under a person whose less knowledgeable and skilled than yourself. The underlying issue is there is no trust between management and employees. If you can’t trust your boss to make the right decisions to keep the company afloat this leads to workplace uncertainty.

Of course, bosses are not infallible. Apathy and ineptitude in upper management are unfortunate byproducts of corporate America and no one should be subjected to this treatment.

Instead of dealing with it, why not become your own boss? Explore opportunities like owning your own small business in the pet franchise industry, or journey wherever your passion takes you.

Your Boss is a Roadblock

Good management means developing a team and motivating employees through synthesis. A boss should build up your ambition and professional skills—that’s their job. Instead, many managers are unprofessional, two-faced, or just downright hard to work with. If your boss is this type of person, don’t live with the misery.

You Have to Give Yourself a Pep-Talk Before Going to Work

We all know the feeling. It’s Sunday night and you’re going over every futile possibility of not returning to work the following Monday. This dread is a disruptive cycle. Not only is this bad for one’s mental health, but it can lead to prolonged stress which manifests itself in physical complications.

A strong career is fueled by passion. Challenges in the workplace should stimulate you—let your creativity and skill-set flourish. If you are dragging yourself by the collar every day just to make it the office, find a place you can’t wait to get to.

Your Health is Suffering

With 76% of respondents citing money and work as the leading cause of their stress in an American Psychological Association study. Of the 26,000 U.S. workers studied, 60% stated they were so unhappy with their current job they would prefer a new career pathway. In the same study,  77% reported feeling physical symptoms of stress like depression, insomnia, headaches, and frequent illness. Over 300 billion dollars a year goes toward stress-related health care and missed work.

No paycheck or career is worth sacrificing your physical health. Find something better.

You Forgot What You’re Passionate About? Consider the Pet Franchise Industry

I work in a pretty awesome place—the pet franchise industry. I help people achieve their dreams once they’ve realized their passion. Most of life is spent working hard. The difference is being fulfilled by the work you pour into your job. There is a great feeling one gets when they look over their achievements and they can truly feel proud.

Knowing whether you are in the right place for your career takes a moment of introspection. Find what makes you happy in the long-term and pursue a career in this happiness.

For myself, and many like me, it is the pet franchise industry. Specifically, it’s owning my own business and being my own boss in a place the helps people and animals. I get to be a leader in my community. Every day we make a difference. Even if it’s a small difference, it keeps myself and people around me very happy. These small differences are culminating toward a better world.

Come into a Splash and Dash Groomerie & Boutique. See for yourself.


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How to Buy a Franchise: Looking to Buy a Pet Store Franchise?

Start Now! Five Directions to Get Started on How to Start a Franchise that is Successful and Filled with Your Passion


The push toward franchising in the U.S. economy has been expanding hugely in the last decade. Fueled by The Great Recession, minorities and women finding deserved equality, and the financial freedom of owning a profitable business makes starting a franchise a popular business move these days. With the 2016 fiscal year predicted to end at $62.75 billion in consumer expenditure, many are also flocking to own a pet store franchise for financial stability.


What makes franchising popular is that it is a more calculated risk than going with a solo business. The investment pays off. Franchise owners are working with already proven materials. The brand is already built and recognized. Products are already tested in a marketplace. Marketing platforms and business models are already prepared. Basically, the fundamentals of business have already been outlined for you.


Franchises like 7-Eleven, Jimmy Johns, and Orangetheory Fitness have carved their way in their own respective sectors. The owners are these franchises are reaping huge entrepreneurial rewards. But if you’re more of a pet person, maybe you should consider the pet store franchise?


So, how do you get started?


This article discusses five directions on how to start a pet store franchise.


Find the Right Industry for Your Franchise

To find out if you have what it takes to succeed in the pet franchise sector you need do a self-evaluation. Find out if you’re a person who is passionate about animals and helping pet parents. What are your goals for owning a franchise?


Workers look for five things in a passionate career.

  • Pay
  • Work-Life Balance
  • Advancement
  • Satisfaction
  • Location


While researching into all your options of pet store franchise opportunities let these five things act as guiding force. We at Splash and Dash Groomerie & Boutique also urge prospect investors to seek out their passion over anything else. You should love what you do!


You can never burn out on something that you’re truly passionate about. This passion will give you the drive to reach financial success and gain all the things that inspired you to begin creating a franchise in the first place.

Know Your Budget

This is the latter half of a self-evaluation, but equally as important to realistically purchase a small business. Find out your net worth, investment range, and all liquid assets that you can bring to the table.


Franchisors always have a franchisee fee and usually a royalty fee. Opening a franchise varies, so franchisors can provide a price range. Discuss thoroughly all your options and goals for your shop with CEOs and corporate teams. A good pet store franchise will not lead you astray.


Splash and Dash Groomerie & Boutique is able to boast one of the lowest franchise fees in the industry and aims to have franchisees break even after only six months. We do this through proven business concepts of recurring revenue, strong marketing campaigns, and low-cost franchise opportunities.

Conduct Your Research

Once you have established exactly what you’re looking for, you need to find the best partnership to make this happen. Say you have decided you want a brick and mortar pet grooming business that has strong retail sales rates and is under $50K.


Begin weeding out franchises that are not in your financial bracket. Franchisors should be straight-forward with the investment range provided. Many pet store franchises like Dogtopia have a high-end investment range of  $735,275. If this is out your financial budget, cross it off the list.


Also while doing your due diligence, be cognizant of company culture and brand. You are appraising your future business partners so look for transparency and business models that align to yourself. Make sure the core values of a company are something you support yourself. Is the brand appealing to you? If you invest in a pet store franchise, you will be a representative of their brand. Make sure it’s one that suits you.


This is a two-way-street. As much as you are looking for the right fit in a franchise, CEO’s are also ensuring that you will be a strong addition to the company.

Reach Out to Your Prospect Pet Franchises

After reading through a company’s website, pamphlet literature, and media you should be closer to narrowing down a few franchises that you have deemed worth your time and investment.


This is the stage in which you need to reach out to franchisors. You will want face-time with CEO’s who can put you into contact with veteran franchisees. You will go through an interview process initially through conference calls, then in-person meetings. Gather as much information as you can about the long-term aspects of owning a small business and day-to-day operations.


Part of Splash and Dash Groomerie & Boutique initial training is an on-site training at a current shop. Franchisees in the beginning stages of owning their own franchise will visit a seasoned shop owner to absorb applicable information. The veteran franchise owner walks you through the whole process. This makes doing the job much easier when you’re running the show.


Techniques on retaining customers or how to secure your recurring revenue are taught during these training sessions. Also part of the training session is Splash and Dash University—a week long training workshop that covers all the ins and outs of franchise ownership.


Sign the Paperwork

All franchises, have, what is called a Franchise Disclosure Document—FDD. The FDD includes any information about previous CEO, litigation, financial agreements, restrictions, etc.


An FDD is a very complex contract between you and the franchisor. Think of the franchise disclosure document as the constitution of your small business. It protects you and the company.


Many FDDs can be over 300 pages long and written in dense legalese, or what people who are not franchise attorneys would call ‘jargon.’ Chances are you’re not going to be able to digest all this information in one sitting. Take your time with this paperwork. Ask for the guidance of the pet store franchise you’re working with for support in deciphering all the integral details.

The Final Stages

Once you have signed, you’re now on board. Congratulations! The work is just getting started. But if you’ve made the right decision within the options of franchise opportunities then you should be in good hands.


Depending on the franchise you’ve selected now is the time to begin construction. During your conversations with the franchisor, you will have found an ideal location for your pet store franchise. Splash and Dash Groomerie & Boutique supports shop owners through a variety of territory selection methods that will place Splash and Dash shops in key locations. This gives our shops a huge competitive edge.


Splash and Dash also support you with ensuring that your store’s build-out is completed in the cheapest and most effective way. We work with an estimator that can verify that contractors aren’t taking advantage of you. Once construction is complete you begin the stages of local marketing. Corporate also has a schematic to launch this process before your grand opening. This helps shop owners secure a clientele base. Since Splash and Dash Groomerie & Boutique also takes advantage of retail opportunities with group-purchasing discounts, your initial stock order is also facilitated by corporate.


Supplies, equipment, and inventory are also supported by headquarters.

Are you Ready?

Owning a small business is a risky and exciting business adventure. Many who want to seize their dreams by the scruff and go into the pet store franchise have access to much-needed help through different option in pet store franchise opportunities. Don’t do it alone. Do it right!


If you are one of these people, Splash and Dash Groomerie & Boutique hopes you find the right fit! For more information please visit us below.


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