How Large is the Pet Industry?
There’s Plenty of Room for Your Biggest Ambitions
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist, or a market specialist, to understand why the pet industry is booming. The fact is, people are starting to treat their pets like members of their families. More people than ever are waiting to have kids until later in life. In the meantime, they become pet parents!
Because pet parents are so passionate about their pets, we’ve seen these trends:
- $59 Billion in revenue in just one year!
- A 19% growth between 2008 and 2010, despite the economic depression.
- 50% more revenue than the toy and candy industries, combined.
And guess what? Grooming, supplies, and pet food make up about 50% of the pet industry. That’s why starting a franchise with Splash and Dash may be the smartest financial decision you ever make.
People Need Your Talent… And They’ll Pay for It!
With your drive and determination, and the Splash and Dash brand, there’s no reason why you can’t tap the full potential of your local market. While we can’t say with confidence how many passionate pet owners you have in your area, we know this for sure…
If there are pet parents in your community, the Splash and Dash monthly membership will bring them to your door!
The truth is, a lot of dedicated business owners have already tapped the pet industry with their own Splash and Dash franchises. But there are still thousands of towns and cities across the U.S. and Australia without the services that pet parents need.
Click ‘Next Step’ to see if there’s a Splash and Dash pet franchise opportunity available in your area.

- What Is Splash and Dash?
- What is the SD Pet Store Model?
- Why is Splash and Dash Great for Investors?
- What Are My Startup Costs?
- How Much Money Can I Make?
- We Support You Every Step of the Way
- Who Makes a Great SD Franchisee?
- How Do I Get Customers?
- How Large is the Pet Industry?
- What Territories are Available?
- What Makes a Good Location?
- SD Franchise Reviews
- Why Customers Love Splash and Dash
- Meet Our Founder
- Meet The Puppy that Started It All!
- FAQs