
FIve Ways to Increase Productivity in Your Pet Franchises

If you’re worried about the productivity and happiness of the franchisees and employees of your pet franchises, there are a few ways to ensure that your franchises are more productive. When it comes to motivating and creating the results franchisors want to see, they often fall short by making efforts that actually provide the opposite results. In order to create a better company in the pet industry, consider some of the following:

1. Inspire Your Team Rather Than Guilt or Nag

When bosses or franchisors aren’t seeing the results they want, it’s not rare for them to nag, yell at, or guilt their subordinates about the lack of results. Instead of doing this with your pet franchises, consider inspiring and encouraging them instead. The saying, “you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar’ remains true even in business with your subordinates.

2. Identify Problems and Aim to Correct Them

For your pet franchises to operate to their best capacity, you will have to pay attention to any problems in the system, work to identify them immediately, and solve them as quickly as possible. While you want to be fast, you also want to be accurate. There’s nothing more frustrating to franchisors and franchisees alike than to spend time-solving a problem only for it to continually pop up again and again.

3.    Focus on the Team-Win

Whether you’re looking to change your marketing plans, create new products, or you’re problem-solving something else altogether, look out for everybody’s win instead of just your own. Your pet franchises will be much happier places if they’re taken care of by people who know you’re looking out for everybody’s benefit instead of just your own. In fact, if you look out for the team, you will also garner more power, support, and initiate teamwork between your franchises.

4.    Challenge the Pet Franchises Standards

Of course, you want to do this in a good way. Imagine for a second that the owner of one of your pet franchises brings a problem to your attention and the only reason you haven’t done anything about it before is because of some rule you or the previous franchisor made at the inception of the pet franchise. Challenge yourself and your company regularly in order to improve operations, systems, safety, and products. Exercise caution so you do not mess up your franchisees further as you test around, but as you problem solve and show you make mistakes and don’t mind correcting them, you will instill a new level of confidence in your company overall.

5. Be Courageous and Trust Yourself

When you make a big decision or change in your company, you may begin to second guess yourself. Changes are hard to make, especially when they could change the course of your pet franchises everywhere. However, taking your time to think through the decision and then sticking to it with courage is a great way to enable success and gather the support of your franchisees or employees. If you find that your idea is not working out the way you thought, that’s alright and you can change your direction, but you should never continue with a plan you know is failing, panic, or appear fearful to your employees even in the worst of times.


Tips to Sell Your Pet Store Franchises Easier

franchisee pet franchiseIn order to sell your pet store franchises, you have to have the right people skills. There is a way to communicate better while simultaneously creating stronger relationships with everyone in your life. Conversation is the fundamental foundation for every relationship whether personal or strictly business. There are a few sure-fire ways you can create a stronger relationship with anyone you interact with.

1.    Give a Compliment and Mean It

Honest flattery is one of the best ways to build strong relationships in your personal life and the life of your pet store franchises. First impressions matter and by starting yourself off on the good note of an honest compliment is a great way to help someone open up to the interaction while thinking highly of you. If you’re going to give someone a compliment, remember to be honest. Business people in particular can tell lies. You also want to be specific. General comments like, “you look good” just won’t cut it if you want your compliment to seem real and stand out.

2.    Ask Others for Help

It’s hard for people to rely on others. When you ask someone for help, it shows that you trust them for support and that’s a major deal when it comes to relationships. Consider how much you’d have to trust someone in order to ask them for help with your pet store franchises whether it’s something small like advertising an open position in your store to something larger like financial loans or donations when your business is going through a tough time. Now consider yourself on the opposite side as the helper instead of the person in need. That bond and show of trust is huge for the asker and the askee and can change your relationship immediately. The thing you ask for help with can be on a more personal level, just remember to keep it professional with your business partners.

3.    Listen

There are few easier ways to make a relationship better than by simply listening to the person you’re talking to. Invest your time and attention to the person if you want to build a better relationship. Whether you’re listening to customers in your pet store franchises or you’re listening to a business partner in a meeting, make sure to give your full attention.

4.    Ask Questions

buying a pet franchiseIt’s not only important to listen to people, but to ask questions to show you’re interested. Just like complimenting, only ask questions that are genuine. You may use the same set of questions every time you talk to various people and shuffle through them, but you should always make sure they are decent questions that have some thought put into them ahead of time. Also be prepared for people to ask you questions about your pet store franchises.

5.    Take Advantage of Body Language

Your body says a lot about how you feel personally and how you feel about someone. Take advantage of the physical signs your body can send and make others more comfortable with you. You may have to pick up a book or two outside of your pet store franchises to learn how to read body language and respond appropriately.

6.    Be Real

When you have a conversation with someone whether it’s in your pet store franchises, an expo, or a business conference, be real. You don’t have to practice everything you say and stick to a script. You don’t have to rush to fill the silence in the conversation. You just have to listen and respond and listen and respond honestly and truthfully. If you do this, you will connect with more people on a deeper level than you could imagine and those connections will become honest, trustworthy business partners.