A Few Tips for New Pet Franchise Owners

Sometimes starting a new business can be a little overwhelming. There’s the adrenaline rush, the emotional rollercoaster of ups and downs and the stress to contend with. In some cases get us off track from day one. Here are a few tips that will help you focus on growing your new business in a consistent and more predictable path forward and avoid some of the pitfalls new pet franchise owners can fall into.


Start Out Slow With Your Marketing

After going through training and reading as much as you can about marketing, your first thought may to go out and do all the marketing you possibly can. You may think that you can run 10 different campaigns at once and this will bring you the sales you need to get to the break even mark faster.


The problem with this is that it is often more than what a new store owner can handle. As a new pet franchise owner, you want to start your marketing efforts slowly as you get a feel for not only running the location but also how your local community will respond to your advertising. Be patient, more campaigns will come as you gain more experience.


Don’t Have a “Build it and They Will Come” Mentality

This is really the opposite of the above issue. Some franchisees think since they have bought a franchise with an established brand that they don’t need to do anything else to market. Many new pet franchise owners think that just because they have opened a new business that people will automatically come in. Even if your franchise is in a small town, this does not guarantee that you will get business. This is why it is important to do some marketing. Again, as stated before, you need to make sure you do not go overboard on the marketing, but you need to do some so you can attract the customers you need for your business.


Monthly, Weekly, Daily Goals

Just because the franchisor will give you a road map to your success with your pet franchise does not mean you don’t have to have a plan of your own. Having a business plan is what moves you forward and keeps you on track. You need to set regular goals for sales, customers, and new members. Doing this will help your franchise to thrive. As the business owner you need to be looking at the big picture as well as the small picture. While your employees may only be focused on the daily or weekly goals you need to keep them on track with this without losing sight of the big picture.

There are many aspects of being a franchise owner you will need to think about. This is why it is important you make the right choice and go with one of the best franchises in the industry. If you are looking at your options then you should consider Splash and Dash for Dogs as they are not only affordable franchises, but also an in demand service with a recurring revenue model unlike anything else in the pet industry to date.