Pet Franchises


7 Skills Pet Franchises Need to Win Clients

Bringing new clients to your pet franchise can be hard, but here is how to win them over.

Clients are the most important component to any pet franchise (including the furry clients). Without them, there’s no business. So how do you get more people to walk through your doors? These essential skills, if used correctly, will help build your clientele.

1.      Communication

Consistent communication is the number one building block for pet franchises. This includes media life. It’s no secret that nowadays social media is a huge part of audience building. Remember to reach out to your clientele, potential, and current. Let people know you’re there. No one can find you if they don’t know you exist and once you’ve made that contact, be consistent in your communications with letters of appreciation, random posts on social media, coupons, and so much more.

2.      Strategize

What are your pet franchises trying to do? Who is your target? Strategize on who exactly you want to bring through your doors and the best way to meet them.

3.      Management

While this isn’t a skill you have to have when starting pet franchises, it is something that you should develop or work on developing as you build your pet empire. Make sure to meet deadlines, deliveries, fulfill the need of your clients and your business in a timely manner.

4.      Presentation

It’s not just pet franchises. Design effective presentations to display your passion for pets and your enthusiasm for family. When you’re passionate about something, it’s easier to convince someone else to buy-in.

5.      Knowledgeable

You don’t have to know everything when starting out in pet franchises, but you should be willing and ready to learn. When you open your doors, you should be able to answer your client’s questions, making them confident in your ability as an expert in what you’re doing. It’s alright to be honest if you don’t know, but treat it as a learning experience so you know better the next time.

6.      Confidence

With pet franchises, like any other business, you have to believe in what you’re doing. People are far more willing to trust those who are confident, even if they’re wrong, than those who aren’t sure of themselves but are right. You’re doing something amazing, believe in yourself, and show it proudly.

7.      Care

Pet franchises are all about selflessness. Providing care to the families, to the pets, to your employees who will extent that care to the clients. You do not have to give things away, but approach each and every client as someone special—because they are. By providing your consumers with special care, individual services, you will give them a unique experience and build consumer loyalty which they will then tell their friends about and bring you more clientele.

4 Things Pet Franchises Need to Stop Doing

Sometimes less is more, even in business. Many owners of pet franchises find themselves implementing a slew of tactics and practices in an effort to boost sales and increase efficiency. However, they tend to overlook the practices they should stop doing to focus on new things they can do. Here are 4 things pet franchises should stop doing right now.



Stop Using Outdated Technology

Most people think of outdated technology as old office equipment, such as computers that still run Windows 98. While older equipment is an issue, if the tools pet franchises use are outdated, then they can be just as much a hindrance as an old, slow computer. It may be out of your budget to update everything in the location at once, make technology a priority. Even if you have to work on it slowly, it is still worth the investment. You may even find you can consolidate your technology as well. For instance, newer printers offer multiple functions so you do not need an additional scanner, fax machine or copier. Most newer printers are even wireless and Bluetooth enabled as well as integrate with cloud storage.


Stop Competing With National Retailers

Many pet franchises think their main competition is big-box companies, such as PetSmart. While some of your demographic may shop there, you are fighting a losing battle. The best thing you can do is focus on the small to medium sized companies within your area. They are the biggest competition and threat to your business. Watch what these companies do and then find a way to compete at this level. In all reality, you should focus your marketing on people within five miles of your location.



Settling for Subpar Social Media

There is no denying that social media is huge for pet franchises. However, this does not mean you can just throw anything up on your accounts and expect success. Some of the biggest mistakes include posting the same thing to all your social media platforms, posting too much at once, and being to sales-oriented in your postings. Do not assume that just because you use these social media platforms for your personal account that it means you know how to post for business. Take the time to understand how business social media so you can see a better return on investment for the time you are putting into this. If this seems like too much work, hire someone to handle this for you.



Wasting Time

Wasting time is not only bad for productivity, but it is also bad for the bottom line in pet franchises. There are many ways that people waste time in business. Think about ways that you can be more efficient during your day. What can you cut out? Look for ways that you can improve on your existing operations to keep from wasting time.