Grooming Franchise

7 Tips for Motivating Millennials

Many businesses today complain about issues motivating and managing millennials in the workplace. The good news is that there are some tips that can help you provide the leadership and motivation needed to keep your team on track. These are tricks that the best franchises use for motivating their staff.


Don’t Go Easy Just Because It’s Their First Dayshutterstock_158522159

You want to empower them to make decisions at the location right from the first day. This is a chance for you to see how they problem solve and also gives you the chance to teach them the correct way to handle the situations in pet franchises. Just make sure you are there to supervise the process to ensure there are no real issues that arise with customers.


Public Reward and Acknowledgement

Praising an employee in from of their peers is a great morale boost and helps them know what they are doing well in. This is something the best franchises and businesses recognize. On the same note, ask for their opinion in group meetings to help evaluate their growth and make them feel more confident in the franchise.


Ask Them Plenty of Questions

You want to ask them questions not only to ensure they are doing their job properly but also to give them a sense that you care about their opinion. It also makes them think for themselves which can help them grow in their position.


Set Long Term Rewards and be the Example

The best franchises recognize that while you may think of millennials as immediate gratification seeking people, they do value the long term goals. You can set long term rewards for goals within the shop and even show them that you are working on your own long term goals.


Set Smaller, Short Term Projects

There is no denying that the attention span is decreasing with each generation. There are many reasons for this, such as social media, smartphones, and more though that’s a different topic completely. This is not something you can fight. Rather you need to adapt by setting smaller projects or milestones to keep them on track.


Fire the Underperforming

For one, you are only wasting money when you keep someone on staff that consistently underperforms. More than this, it can create hostility from your other, harder working employees who feel you favor the underperforming person. Give them a chance to correct their mistakes and get back on track to where they are meeting their goals and if they cannot then it is time to let them go.


Don’t Provide False Praise

Millennials and younger generations have a better idea when someone is feeding them false praise. While you may want to keep morale up or make them feel like they are doing a good job, this will backfire in the end because they will not trust the praise you give them when it is actually deserved. At Splash and Dash for Dogs we believe in being genuine with the praise we give staff, just as we want them to be genuine with customers.

Planning to Build Better Skills in Your Dog Grooming Business

If you’ve established your business already, it’s likely you are constantly on the lookout for how to improve yourself. Perhaps you are looking at your sales and they could be better. Perhaps you’re looking at your staff and the reviews your business has received online. Perhaps you’re just looking to train your staff further so they are better prepared for the future of the dog grooming business.


Whatever the reason is, if you are going to change your dog grooming business for the better, it doesn’t just happen at the snap of your fingers. To integrate better changes in your pet grooming business, there are a few things you must do to get the most effective benefits.

Plan Out Everything

You may consider having an end-goal to be good enough to start some sort of training program. While an end-goal is necessary, it is not the only thing that should be kept in mind if you want to better your staff. When planning to build your dog grooming business, you will want to plan for everything. All the influence in your business will have something to do with how quickly your employees and establishment grow or if they don’t. Some things to consider include:


  • Location Growth
  • Personal Business Growth
  • Talent/Skills of Current Staff
  • Geographical Location Needs
  • Current Employee Understanding of Franchise

Assess Current Pet Grooming Business Numbers

Once you’ve decided all of the aspects you must pay attention to, then you must consider what their current numbers are and where you would like those numbers to go. Consider individual employee productivity. In a dog grooming business you can consider the number of dogs you see daily or the number of memberships you have per month and where you would like those numbers to go. You may also want to consider your expenditures versus income and how you may better the difference without costing quality. Assess your employees, your daily routines, and yourself in order to find how to improve.

Develop an Action Plan

Depending on the support your franchisor offers, you may consider contacting them about ongoing training or in-store training that they may be able to help you with. You may consider contacting other franchisees to see what types of training they offer their employees in their dog grooming business.


Franchisors should always go through training with you as the franchisee and they should offer some level of employee handbook, but you never know how much training must be done on your own, in your store. If you have specific things you want to train your staff to do that are not mentioned in the employee handbook, talk to your franchisor first to make sure you are able to offer the service in your store before you develop a training protocol. Your franchisor may already have something in place that you were unaware of.

Reward Your Dog Grooming Business Team for Success

As you set personal, individual, and business goals, always make sure to put a prize on the line. This little prize can make the difference between achieving your goal quickly or not at all. If you are going to offer a reward with your pet care franchise, make sure that it is equal to the amount of work being put into the task. You do not have to go crazy expensive with rewards, but if employees feel like their time is being wasted and/or they are being taken advantage of they will become angry, frustrated, and may develop less productive habits or quit. There must always be a balance between work and reward whether it’s with a bonus, a gift, or something else entirely.