5 Ways to Optimize Back to School Shopping Sales

All retail businesses have a ‘slow season.’ For the pet industry, it typically happens during the back to school season, beginning in August. As the two-legged kids get their school supplies, and the four-legged kids fall into a new schedule, it is important to keep a proactive mindset to boost sales during the slow season. When foot traffic slows down in the store, this is a great time to plan and prepare.


This article will show you five ways to energize your shop for back to school.

Visually Merchandise Your Sales Area

The way items are organized should have strong visual appeal. A good merchandising strategy keeps products moving. Many retail merchandisers suggest moving items as frequently as twice a month. This makes the customer experience fresh and engaging for each visit. A back to school window display can entice customers into the store. Bundling items can also help move slow moving items when packaged with ‘hot sellers.’ Fast selling products can offset your slower moving inventory.

Get Creative

When foot traffic is lighter in your store you will need to generate customer engagement. You can organize a sidewalk event—coordinate with other nearby retailers. Shop owners can also try scheduling an adoption event, back to school promotion, or markdown sale. This customer engagement can organically boost traffic to your shop. Use digital marketing to advertise any promotions and maintain your online social media presence.


Differentiate Your Products

Finding new products to match the themes of the season add an extra enticement. Choosing complimentary items for back to school ideas will help you expand. Many families will need new bedding and toys for the back to school season. Many dogs need puzzle solving toys to stay entertained and will need a new bed to lounge on while the kids are at school.


Get the Maintenance Work Done

When the store is slow this is a great opportunity to knockout all the projects you put aside during the summer. Any bookkeeping, organizing, or renovations should be taken care of during the ebb of fall—before the busy holiday season picks back up. The groundwork for the holidays starts now.


Keep Your Team Motivated

Coach your counter person to push add-ons and customer membership. An informative and friendly approach will help customers see the value in Splash and Dash signature service.