
Pet Store Franchise Owners Never Need to Say This Word

For many pet store franchise owners it is important to be successful. However, if you really want to be successful, there is one word you should eliminate from your vocabulary: Failure. There are a few things you should think about with this word and how it will affect your pet store franchise.


Take it Off the Table

One of the biggest mistakes many pet store franchise owners make is having a backup plan in case their franchise does not work out. Unfortunately, this is the wrong mentality to have with your business. You want to be fully invested in your company, not looking for an exit strategy. You find that the more credence you give to your backup plan, the more that your thoughts gravitate to this, which is a recipe for failure in itself.


Why Failure is Such a Dirty Word

People think of failure as such a dirty word. They think that it means they have messed up or that it means the company is not worth anything. However, this is not the case. Rather than thinking that your last marketing campaign was a failure, think about it as a life lesson. What did it teach you about your clientele as well as marketing in general?


Another aspect to think about with this is the fear that failure instills in people. Pet franchise owners are just like anyone else; they are afraid to fail. This fear may keep you from spending money on the marketing you need, from hiring the right personnel or many other aspects of the business. This fear is paralyzing and the best way to eliminate it is to simply take failure out of the equation.


How to Change Your Mind Set

The best thing you can do is to find ways to change the way you think about failure. When you find yourself thinking or using this word, correct yourself. Also, find solutions to your problems before they even occur. For instance, if you are planning a marketing campaign, have contingency plans. Know when you will put the contingency plan into effect so that you are not waiting around for the marketing campaign to completely tank.  The thing to remember with this is rather than jumping ship, look for constructive ways to fix the issue you are facing.


The Benefits this can Bring

By getting rid of failure from your vocabulary as well as your mind you can really focus on the success of your business. If you do have setback, use them as a learning lesson to improve on your business strategies. Do not let your fear stunt your success. Just eliminate failure and ensure you maximize you and your pet store franchise.


Five Things to Look When Choosing a Pet Store Franchise

When you want to own a business, it is important that you choose the right one. There are many pet franchises that you can choose from. By understanding some of the aspects to consider you will know which pet franchise is right for what you are looking for.

The Industry

When selecting the right pet store franchise it is important to look at the industry. You want to choose an industry that is booming because this means more chances for you to make money. For instance, a pet franchise is a great choice because the pet industry is a $59 billion a year industry. The idea is to make sure that there is a market for what you will be doing.

The Demand

You will also want to look at the demand of the pet store franchise. To do this you want to know not only how much revenue the industry is generating but the local demand for this. You will want to look for the stats for your local area. Do not be scared off by having a significant amount of competition. Finding a unique opportunity in the industry will separate your business from your competition.

The Amount of Money You Want to Invest

An important aspect of buying a pet franchise is to know how much you can invest. There are pet franchises, such as Splash and Dash that do not require a huge investment. You should never put all your capital into the franchise fee as there are many other expenses you will have. Make sure you have funds left over to handle surprise expenses.

What the Franchise Offers

You want to understand what you are buying into with the pet store franchise. Finding one that offers a proven marketing strategy with plenty of support will put you further ahead than going with a pet franchise that offers very little support. You should look for a pet franchise that offers you training and one on one support to ensure you are successful.


Unique Service or Product

One of the worst things you can do is choose a pet store franchise that is run of the mill. If there is nothing that sets it apart from your competition, you will find it difficult to get the sales you need to make your goals.  The best thing you can do is to go with one that has something uniquely different from the others in the market.


Splash and Dash is a great example of this. The signature bath service allows customers to pay a flat rate to bring their pets in as many times as they want throughout the month. This is not only something customers want, but it is a great sales tool. It gives the business recurring revenue and the more frequent the visits, the more sales opportunities there are.