Generate More Revenue with Google for Your Dog Grooming Business

The Importance of First Page Rankings

There are many reasons why you want to be on the first page of Google rankings. The most important reason though is to be visible to your prospective customers. This gives them the chance to see what you have to offer and even know you exist. Since Google is the #1 search engine, producing around 12 billion searches a month, with 1.7 billion unique users. This shows just how important Google is to ranking your dog grooming business website.

The Stats on Google Rankingshutterstock_15352696

It is also important to note that about 93% of all decisions to buy start with an online search, whether it was the pet industry or not. This is because it is a better way for people to get the information they are looking for.

The thing to keep in mind here is that most people will not go beyond the first page of a search to find a dog grooming business. In fact, statistics tell us that 91.5% of web traffic from Google is with sites on the first page.

These numbers dwindle significantly the further back in the search they are. For instance, if your website is on the 2nd page you will have to share 4.8% of the visitors with all the other traffic on that page. This number gets even smaller to 1.1% on the 3rd page.

Important Considerations About Reaching the First page

Even  when you get the first page with the website for your dog grooming business it is important to remember that your journey does not end here. You still have plenty of work to do to keep this standing. Not only because algorithms are constantly changing but you will also have competition popping up that can throw you off. Your competition will be continually working to take your spot, so stay vigilant.

Expansion is essential to not only  keeping your first place position but also to creating greater lead generation to grow your business. There are two factors you need to keep in mind with the pet franchise.

Even once you get to the first page of Google, there are still many things you need to think about to stay on top with your dog grooming business website.  Expansion is the key to lead generation success.There are two crucial factors which you still need to address:


  1. The Place Ranking Matters. This does not mean you should be number 10 on page one, rather you want to strive to be #1. This will bring you in about 32.5% of the traffic to the search. If you are at #2, then you will only get about 17.6% of the traffic. This goes down even more for #3 to 11.4%. This continues to drop down until you get to #10 on the first page which only brings in about 2.4% of the traffic. This may be better than the horrible traffic you will receive on page 2 but that doesn’t mean you should settle for this.
  2. Your Keywords Matter. There are some that are going to be more popular than others which is why you need to carefully consider which ones you will aim for. You may find that one keyword gets 10,000 searches per month while another only gets 100. Ideally you want to be #1 for both of these but being #1 for the one with the greater searches can bring you in even more leads than the less searched term. Keep in mind that the more searches there are for a keyword, generally the more competition there will be for top ranking.

The thing to keep in mind is that having a dog grooming business website that is on the first page is a subliminal message to people that your website is better than your competition. You want to do the best with the website and the customer care you provide. Part of this means providing valuable information to your audience as well as snagging that #1 spot from your competition.