Grooming Franchise

Ways to be the Best Pet Grooming Franchise

As you open your pet grooming franchise, the key to being a successful is nothing impossible to reach. It doesn’t take a lot of charisma, money, insight, or entrepreneurial experience to set yourself apart from everyone else in the pet industry, but here is what it does take.


Things can get difficult, you may not always make the right decision, or something bad might happen that feels like a major setback. That cannot stop you. When you run into difficulty, failure, or trouble, you have to hold ground and push forward to have a successful pet grooming franchise.

dog groomingBuild Relationships
Build consumer relationships. Build employee relationships. Build partner relationships. Being sincere, personal, and building these relationships for your pet grooming franchise is one the most important things you can do in order to secure longevity and success. As you build create these relationships, you build loyalty, respect, and reputation. This will in the end assist with bringing, keeping, and expanding business.

Understand the Basics of a Pet Grooming Franchise

As the owner of a pet grooming franchise, you will have a lot on your plate. Financial information, employee information, inventory and clientele information, technology and so much more, but while you’re learning and managing all the responsibilities, don’t forget about just knowing the basics of working in a pet grooming franchise. Understand every job and responsibility, even if you can’t do them yourself. Don’t forget what you’re asking your employees to do. It will help them appreciate you for knowing and if you ever have a moment where you have to step in, you will be prepared.

Set the Example
Great leaders lead by example. Show your employees how you want them to act by acting that way yourself. By understanding the basics of your pet grooming franchise, you can also apply setting the example that much easier. Never ask an employee to do something you wouldn’t do. Show respect to get respect. Owning a business is a business of trade: act for act.

Seek Continuous Improvement

If you ever believe your pet grooming franchise is at the top of its game and there is no possible way you can make it better… look for a problem. You should always strive to improve your business whether it’s on the sales, employee, consumer, or marketing front. There are always ways to improve and don’t see it as a weakness of the company, because it’s not. It’s a way to build business.

Set Your Goals and Keep Them
As you find weakness, find improvement, set goals, and keep them. Your pet grooming franchise will not reap the benefits of this if you do not follow through with the goals that you set. Embrace change, technology, new employees, better methods, and make them happen. Improvements can’t happen without your approval and it’s up to you to decide… Maintain or grow?

4 Important Reasons Why You Need A Pet Grooming Franchise

The pet industry is a growing one and owning a pet grooming franchise is probably one of the better franchises to start in 2015. Grooming is so much more than making a dog smell good and look clean and here’s why you should get in on it:

1.Play Dirty, Live Clean

pet grooming franchisingIs the motto. At Splash and Dash we believe that a dog’s only job is to live a fun and healthy life. As the owner of a pet grooming franchise it’s your privilege to give dogs that ability. Through grooming, a dog is transformed. They know when they’re carrying around extra layers of fur, when their nails are too long that it’s uncomfortable and when you groom a dog, you will see their personality and disposition change. It can turn an older dog into a puppy again, a dog that seems weighed down can become light on her feet. As a pet groomer, you become the channel that allows dogs to be their best selves.

2.Warn of Disease

Working in a pet grooming franchise actually gives you the chance to warn pet parents of possible skin problems like dry skin or even skin disease. Groomers see probably thousands of dogs a year, so they get used to seeing healthy skin and they understand what healthy and unhealthy looks like. As a pet grooming franchise owner, you give pet parents the opportunity to catch skin disease early by providing them with a groomer who knows what they’re doing. It’s likely that the pet will always see the groomer more often than a vet.

3.Grooming Isn’t Just Bathing

While many pet parents might get the idea that all their pup will need is a bath every now and then, but grooming is so much more than a bath. It includes nail trimming, teeth brushing, removal of undercoats, winter coats, and excess hair, and can also include breed-specific styling and hair dying. Many pet parents aren’t equipped to handle even bathing their dogs due to disposition or lack of equipment and where a dog plays, a dog will always need a cleaning.

4.Pet Grooming Franchise Allows for Recurring Revenue
There are only a few businesses out there that take advantage of recurring revenue and a pet grooming franchise is one of them. Gyms requiring memberships are another. Recurring revenue is income or cash-flow that comes in on a regular basis on usually a weekly, monthly, or yearly basis. Other businesses include real estate like renting, where there’s a contracted, expected payment on a certain day each month. Another could be credit card annual fees. By running a Splash and dash pet grooming franchise, you’re able to wield the same membership revenue power as any gym, promising a minimum income each month pending on subscriptions and that’s something that no other pet grooming franchise does.